Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Today and Personal updates

So did I mention that I am on day 8 of my period? WTF? And each day it gets heavier and heavier. I have a migraine from hell and I am over it all. PLEASE let me pre-mennie and this will be down with soon.

Ben gets leave for 10 days next month - we are on red alert just waiting for the phone call of exactly which week he will come home. It would be great if he is here on May 22 to see Bobby graduate from R.I.T.

Joey changed his major at college during the winter break and also changed schools. He came home to live for what was supposed to be a short stay to pick up some community college classes and pick a new University to attend. He ended up loving his professors here and really enjoying his classes, so he is sticking around a little longer. Mom couldn't be happier. Since then he has totally fallen head over heels for the first time for a Kindergarten teacher named Stefanie. I have never seen him act this way with any other girl and I think she is really good for him. We are all very scared because Stef had a "bad pap smear" and a week from today goes to a second specialist because they fear she has cancer. Please keep her in your prayers. I don't think my boy would survive losing her.

Tony still lives with Rick ... it breaks my heart.

Other then that we are currently obsessed about me getting more and more mobile ... and of course the surgery. Things couldn't be better in our relationship .... I guess that happens when they know you are going to be skinny with perky boobies sometime soon. ::vbeg::

BTW I posted a time line with dates of steps I need to take to get me to surgery on the sidebar. And don't forget to leave me blog addresses!


  1. so the sperm donor's name is rick eh? that's the first time i've heard it. I am so thrilled to see you back and posting and living your life again girly! it makes my cold black heart turn a little red momentarily!!!!

  2. You have started my day making me laugh!! I LOVE the picture of Princess Fat Be Gone! Thanks for the updates on your boys. Ben was over in Japan, I think. Is he still there? My prayers will be for Stefanie.

    I am sooooooo happy that things are falling into place for you and making you happy. I hope everything continues that way for you!

    Take care,



Princess FatBeGone

Princess FatBeGone