Monday, April 20, 2009

::sigh:: Here we go, starting over yet again with another blog. I am going to talk non stop about the Gastric Bypass Surgery and of course the Fibro ... but I don't want to limit this blog to just those topics. Anyone that has read me in the past knows I can ramble on and on about ... well nothing, lol ... but my life seems to be one big practical joke that provides endless blogging material ::g::

I'm going to try to find my way around here at - anyone with tips, tricks and advice on how to use it would be great. I hope to phase out the Facebook completely and hope that anyone that was following me and can find their way over here. Let me know you are here, ok?


  1. Alright Darling....

    I'm here and I have ALL the Blogger Tricks! No worries there.

    As for the other stuff, I've missed my daily roll on the ground laughing until I pee......but just a little...I don't need Depends or anything!

    I'm glad your back!

  2. I'm here!! I've followed you for years and miss laughing out loud!! It's your blog, so you just write whatever you want. I don't know all the tricks, but I'm sure others will give them to you. I'm here to support ya!



  3. Stacy! Thanks for posting your link on Facebook. I've missed your blogging. I'll send ya an invite to mine as it is private. Don't expect much on mine though. LOL I hardly blog but I try to read other's blogs. In fact, I've haven't blogged since January and before that it was about my Dad passing away suddenly. My life is too boring to blog about and I'm busy doing other things online that are important. Lots of researching, etc. Looking forward to reconnecting and reading your blog. You've been so missed!


Princess FatBeGone

Princess FatBeGone