Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Back from my bender. ::vbeg::

I'm teasing. There was no food bender. In fact I have lost 17 pounds! They have me cutting out the soda completely, cutting out the fast food and junk and preparing to eat healthy. Plus I bought a treadmill .... so I have been losing a couple of pounds each week. Yeah me.

I did go MIA which most of you know I do from time to time. To say I have been overwhelmed is an understatement ....

* First Ben came home for a month which kept us really busy.

* Bobby and Rhea graduated from R.I.T

* The tests. Many tests and doctors appointments. Since I have posted I have had two sleep studies. They do them in the Sheraton overlooking the city. The first was kind of fun because I had the most adorable tech taking care of me all night and we talked and joked and watched American Idol. The second one was a nightmare ... with a FULL breathing face mask. I didn't take either seriously and only thought of it as something that I had to complete as a requirement for the surgery. Well the other day I had an appointment with the Sleep Apnea doctor. The most gorgeous South African doctor I have ever seen. His accent was intoxicating and I have no idea what he said to me ... except ... I apparently stop breathing 60 times an hour!! Now that still isn't enough to make me wear that Darth Vader mask to bed every night BUT it is enough to scare me into wearing it in the hospital after surgery. He explained to me that between being put under and the pain medication that my sleep apnea could be a very serious condition the hours right after surgery. So I gave in (I would have stripped naked and danced on this mans desk if he had asked me to! ::G::) and agreed to be fitted for my very own mask. Which you KNOW I will be adding stones and bling to!

More test: EKG and evaluation with the heart doctor. She said I was good and strong but saw something minor that she thought called for a stress echo to make sure I can withstand the surgery.

The stress echo was not half as bad as I thought. The highlight of my day was when the doc told me that they were having a difficult time getting a clear ultrasound of my heart because my breasts are so large. (thank you, thank you very much!) ::sigh:: Anyway, my resting heart beat is so dam high that I only had to do 4 minutes on the treadmill. For a normal person that may not be much but for Miss Fibromyalgia ass it was like a days hike up a mountain. But I got it done. Boobies flap'n in the breeze and all.

Also: The Shrink. $275 out of my pocket (I was SO mad about that) and they told me what I already know - I medicate with food. Gee, ya think?

Another follow up with the surgeon and a nutritionist to be sure I have tappered my food and am still serious about the surgery.

What I have left to complete is the acutal appointment to go have my face measured for the mask and that is on Monday. And a final appointment with the surgeon on the 30th. We are thinking the surgery with be sometime in the first two weeks of July. Keep your fingers crossed for me please ... I am so tired of preparing and just want to DO IT!

* I have been spending some time with Joey's girlfriend Stefanie and getting to know her. I absolutely adore this girl and if my son ever breaks up with her I am thinking of keeping her instead. ::G:: She looks just like Anna Pacquin from "True Blood" ... ok ok ok, I'm the only one that thinks that. Even she and Joey don't see it like I do. But she's a cutie and sweet and so good for my kid. I couldn't be happier for him.

* And lastly something that is totally breaking my heart (and my back literally). My big dog (120 pounds) Simba has Lyme disease and has lost the use of his back legs. The vet thinks it will improve drastically with the medications ... and he is on pain pills to keep him comfortable ... but I have to take him in and out of the house (and down 3 steps) with a sling holding his hind end up every couple of hours and it's just killing me - emotionally and physically. This dog is my fierce protector and has been with me for 10 years, I can't imagine losing him.

So that's my update. I'm hoping life has slowed down enough around here that I can get back to blogging everyday. I have so many thoughts/concerns that I want to talk about here concerning the surgery. It seems like the closer it gets the more excited I get but also the more worried if I am doing the right thing.

What have I missed on YOUR end?? What is going on with everyone? Please leave me a comment or send me an email and tell me what is going on in your life and what I have missed out on.


  1. well i knew everything but the treadmill! Oh and Simba - poor baby i know he's your protector! I hope he gets better soon for both of your sakes! can we see a pic of joey and stephanie??? pretty please?

  2. Sorry about poor Simba......I hope the meds can do like the docs said and improve his health.
    That sounds scarry, about the sleep apnea and stopping breathing sooooo many times, DAMN!
    Glad you are back and that everything is still on track for you.

  3. I am so glad to hear from you!!! I've been thinking about you lately as I knew your surgery was to be in July. I'm glad that things are coming along in preparation. My brother has sleep apnea and he has to use one of those masks at night...I think it's called a c-cap, or something like that.

    I'm sorry to hear about Simba. I hope the meds can help. We had to put our dog down almost 2 yrs ago. It's hard to lose a pet who's like a family member.

    Otherwise, nothing really new on my side. Still working, battling with the weight, but holding my own. I'll send you an email. I haven't done much blogging lately.

    I hope you have more time to blog. I do miss reading your entries. (I know I'm being selfish here) Take care of yourself. Good job with the treadmill!! I'm proud of you!! Keep up the good work.



  4. I clicked on the link to your blog...and damn, lo and behold, she's BACKKKKK (and not "she's back from a bender")
    So glad to see your update and that all is still positive for your surgery.
    Sure hope the meds kick in quick for Simba so that he feels better and his condition improves....for both his and your sake!
    A big congrats on the loss of your 17 lbs too! Looking forward to your next post!

  5. Holy COW, I've missed ALOT!! WTG on the weight loss. Keep doing exactly what the doctors tell you and you will be more than ready for your surgery in July!! I'm so happy for Joey, too - and congrats to Bobby and Rhea. I hope Simba responds to the medications. I remember when my friends' dog (a German Shepard) lost the use of its back sad...and so hard on its human, too. ((((Stacy))))

    Great to "see" you again, Stacy! Good luck with everything...

    :) Carol


  7. Wow 17lbs that is fantastic! I am sure you will be a success story with the surgery! It will be very hard I am sure. So sorry to hear about your faithfull dog Simba. I hope he gets well soon. Glad you are back I really love reading your posts. I would love to get a treadmill! Julie

  8. I'm glad to hear you are on the right path and sorry to hear of the passing of your Simba!


Princess FatBeGone

Princess FatBeGone