Sunday, July 5, 2009

Counting down and stuff

Well we are 2 weeks, 2 days and a night away from surgery. If I knew what time my surgery was I would be giving you the hours and minutes too. ::vbg::

It's kind of funny but my mind is in two places right now. On one hand I can't help but think of things in terms of "last time I'll have this" and it makes me want to pig out ... but I guess that is where what little common sense I have left kicks in. Yea I am eating some of my favorite foods, but I honestly and truly want to stop there. Meaning I haven't finished anything that I have started eating and I certainly haven't gone back for seconds or raided the frig at night etc. I'm feeling really good about this and I get more and more excited about the surgery every day.

I have an appointment with my regular doctor on Tuesday to talk about switching some of my meds over to liquid form after the surgery. But also I have to be really honest ... I thank God that I have been on the Cymbalta (which was actually an anti depressant first) for the Fibro these past months because I have been so sad about Simba that I didn't know if I would ever stop crying. On top of that, my youngest has broken my heart again. No not even close to like before. And no I don't want or need to talk about it (but thank you). But I know how great I am at sabotaging myself and I could see me using these two "excuses" to eat through every fast food joint in town for the next two weeks and having the surgeon refuse to operate on me! On top of that I have my period AGAIN - a week after the last one! Anyway my point is that I'm glad I'm "on" something to balance things out because I have about a million emotions bouncing around right now and I feel like I could jump out of my skin, lol.

BTW I was watching Big Medicine and I saw a patient with the liver problem that the doctor is doing the biopsy for. First of all ... EWwwwwww ... secondly double Ewwwwww Ewwwwww.

Oh I keep meaning to ask - does anyone take the liquid (or is it powder) vitamins that you mix in water? I think it's "One a Day" that had them first. Has anyone tried them?


  1. i didn't even think about vitamins being a problem after the surgery! I take enough supplements in the morning to make a meal! I'm so excited for you! I know you are going to be fabulous in no time! i am sorry about tony. Little shit. Why do kids have to break your heart? why can they not be grateful for you giving them life, etc., etc.? I know a lot is going on including the loss of simba who always took care of you! Hang in there sweetie!

  2. I second Phyllis when she asks why do kids have to break your heart. I don't think they mean it, but at the time they probably just want to get a reaction from you. And it works.

    Good for you for not totally pigging out. You've got to use common sense now to get in the right mindset needed after your surgery. Everything in moderation. I didn't know vitamins came in liquid or powder form. Is your doctor recommending them? Will one of the protein/nutritional shakes suffice with all the daily requirements for vitamins?

    I know you've got a million emotions going on and the next couple weeks are gonna be a roller coaster!! But how exciting to know that you're changing your life to a healthier you. Have you been able to keep moving each day? Keep positive and stay strong!!



    PS. Just wondering if you got my invite to my journal?


Princess FatBeGone

Princess FatBeGone